All my years in this business and my first prime time gig on a huge network show I'm cast as "Anna"-the hard core gang banger who moves loads of weapons and cash. A few lines in a great closing scene with a pretty good pay check (thank God for the union).
"That's it?" "I thought it was gonna be longer?" "You look so mean!" Just the few comments I received post airing. None that were taken negatively. Then there is the ultimate..."Why do you choose to "just" audition for gangster roles?" Now time for some clarity-

1. I don't CHOOSE to "just" audition for gangster roles. 9 out of 10 tv/movie roles casting directors want to see me for are stereotypical roles- gangster, mean girl, single mom etc.
2. Most leading roles for tv/film are not written for people who look like me. Even if they are, networks and producers want a "big star" for the leading role to help lock in an audience hence knocking the rest of us out of the running.
4. It is easy for people to say taking these roles is demeaning to Latinas and I should say, "no." Trust me I have said "no" to ALOT of gigs.
5. The writes guild has a limited representation of writers who are female. Latinas? Even smaller. We aren't the ones writing these characters or story lines.
6. I am an actor. Just because I am not this type of person in real life doesn't mean I can't play one on TV. I don't have any kids of my own in real life but I can for damn sure play a mother on screen! So why wouldn't I play a gangster?
7. Lupe Ontiveros played a maid hundreds of time in her career. She said it was her job to bring integrity to each one of her characters. It is my commitment as well.
8. Should I be playing the doctor? The teacher? The detective? Characters with depth, clarity and relatable? Yes, yes and yes.
9. I have. BUT mostly on stage in the theater. Theatre in L.A. isn't livable. You do theatre for the love, you do tv and film to pay your bills.
10. This is why I write, this is why I produce, this is why I create art to tell our stories.
1-10 . No one is going to do it for me.