Monday, December 3, 2012

An artist doesn't starve...we are actually well-nourished.

In closing over 60 hours at the theater and 5 shows in an incredible opening weekend, I spent my evening with as many ice packs as I have joints and absolute fatigue as the adrenaline wore down...with a smile on my face and joy in my spirit. My creative work isn't just "my job," it's my "life's work." This is the reason I put in 12-18 hour days sometimes 7 days a week. When creating, I never look at the clock in anticipation of leaving or dreading a Monday back in the office. Of course there is much time, energy and investments that are made that don't translate into monetary gain which many people don't understand. Why would I invest so much into something that doesn't pay off? But that's the misconception- it's not about pay-off but a pay-forward and a nourishment that comes each and every time I get to share my creativity. When experiencing art, especially live performance, it gives people the opportunity to connect and be present in that very moment. There is a nourishment that comes from the impact I've made in creating and sharing stories of the human experience. Although I've never experienced it myself, it's like childbirth. As soon as you see the amazing creation and it's tangible, all the pain and sacrifice is secondary to the pure love and purpose that stands on the forefront.

"In the Heights" is an amazing story of love, hope, family and community. There is no greater feeling than knowing every person in the audience will be impacted by not only the performance but each of the artist on the stage bringing their own "person" to their character. Through all the aches and pains-physically, emotionally and mentally- we all face as humans, as an Artistic Creator, I am well-fed.

"In The Heights" The Musical
Fri-Sun thru Dec.22

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